Crazy Bones: The Tale of a Waggy Tail by Lynne Wissink-Tressler
Everyone has a story, and ours is a simple one. It's about an ordinary woman in northern New England who takes in a feisty, extraordinary dog (that would be me), rescued from the streets of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Our two personalities and how we see the world around us are very different. She thinks she rescued me, but I know better. Our tale is about our adventures, how we figured each other out, what I taught her about life, and of course, my very expressive waggy tail.
"When a New England woman adopts a dog left homeless after Hurricane Katrina, they both start over in this debut novel based on real events...the emotions often ring true... Appreciation for animal-loving volunteers and the letters between Elizabeth and the canine's original owner are some of the story's strongest, most genuinely moving features...Canine lovers should appreciate this affectionate account of the difference a beloved pet makes in an owner's life." --Kirkus Reviews
ISBN: 9780578208862
Shipping Weight: 0.7 lbs.